Friday, 1 March 2013

Me and Maurice

Times have been hard for Maurice and myself of late.
Our relationship has been on icy ground, literally.
Over the last few weeks I have neglected him, due to the cold weather.
My little oil filled radiator just hasn't been up to the job of transforming Maurice from what can only be described as an ice box, into what he used to be, a cozy little retreat.

Here in Manchester, shocking as this may be, it has actually warmed up a little (or maybe I have a temperature). This morning, Maurice and I have reunited. It was a beautiful moment, even if I did ruin it by wearing my scruffy joggers.

I thought I would celebrate our moment of glory with a few snippets of Maurice.
Snippets only, due to the need for a Spring sort out of quite serious proportions.

pattern overload


new addition

It does seem, that when Maurice and I get together, I become a lot more inspired and  (praise the lord ) a bit more productive.

coming soon

I have just paid 'Mothers Sweat Shop' a visit with an order for half a dozen black and white striped sweaters. This critter is a real bad-un.
He makes Mr Fox look like a bit of a Nancy.
Mr Raccoon is 'on the run'.

Thanks for reading. x


  1. I love Maurice even if it is a bit parky, I bet it was great to get back together. Rather taken with Mr Racoon too. He looks a bit of a one.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Hurrah for Maurice and his icy tendencies...I have been crafting in the shed with....the door open!!!! Spring has sprung :) xxxxxx

  3. So you agree that there's always room for a raccoon or had he already been born and I read your mind?
    I'm now thinking frog!! Eco Ethel xx

    1. Racoon has been in the pipeline for s while but I was delayed by a dalliance with some bunnies.
      Anyway, have to dash, off to buy some green felt ;)

  4. I love these pictures! You have so many treasures and happy things. I'm glad you and Maurice were able to spend some quality time together. :-)

    Gillian x

  5. love ur sewing box! my mum has one exactly the same! so many memories....

  6. Great pictures. Love your sewing box...
    M xxxx

  7. Hi Emma, I have stumbled across your blog via Red magazine and I am in love with it! You have inspired my friend who has a craft blog ( to set up a work space in her caravan she is so excited!!!! I Particularly love your pink sewing machine!!!

    1. Hi. I have just had a little look at Natalie's blog, I will look forward to seeing her caravan.
      Do you work for Red magazine?
      I can't wait to see the article. X

  8. No I don't (wish I did!) but I have a subscription to them so my March issue arrived yesterday and I had showed the article to Natalie who is in exactly the same boat as you with 3 boys and a husband with no room to permanently have her crafting things out but they have a caravan that they only use once a year so she went home and then text me to say she was going to do the same thing! I love the things you make too I will be ordering myself a cat one at some point! Hazelx

  9. It's good to see Maurice out of hibernation and still looking groovy.
    I love the cheeky raccoon, bet he'll be popular with the girls!


  10. My husband just bought me that exact same sewing box from Oxfam...really pleased with it

  11. I loved reading the article about you and Maurice in Red(go and find someone who has it).

    I too have a shop on Folksy (Hand Crafted Love) and I love going down to my little shed at the bottom of the garden to make my ceramic butterflies and hangings. But and its a big but it is soooo cold at the moment. My little radiator is really struggling, roll on Spring.
    Love your shop, Favourited it. Haley
