Wednesday, 17 April 2013

I love this house

last night I spent a lovely evening chilling out at my friend Beths house
we normally do a bit of crafting whilst our children play
she has a little girl who loves to craft so I like to spend some girly time with her (my 3 boys just don't seem interested in dolly pegs?)
I asked beth if she would mind me taking a few pics to share with you, she has such lovely things
and this is just a snippet of her home

cushion made by Beth at a Donna Wilson event

I will probably pinch these on my next visit

she loves my critters

this new seat covering was our craft project for last night

I love to see other peoples styles. seeing them in 'real life' can be so much better than in any interiors books. getting up close to see the details on things you love, checking out the books that they like to look at.
many moons ago, when my blogging had just started, I did a post about OOB'x house.
pop over here and take a look.

tonight I will mostly be eating healthily (poop) and making things for my next craft fair....more about that very soon. 
thanks for reading x


  1. Beth has got great taste ( I see all her fab pins on Pinterest ) I guessed her house would be lovely too xxx great to peek inside other people's houses :)

  2. I love her style a gal after my own heart :)

  3. Lovely home! Funnily enough, my 3 boys were never very keen on crafting either ...

    Love Claire xxx

    1. but at least they don't 'borrow' our clothes. x

  4. Oh dear. I am a smitten kitten. Love the hot pink.

    I have three boys, too, so love a bit of girly to offset the boy.

    Great blog.

    Leanne xx

  5. Really lovely home. Looks very homely and vintage :)

  6. Your friend has a great eye for colour. What a fab collection of lovely things! Jx

  7. ooh look at the cushion with the Blythe Doll face on it!!!!

    1. isn't it fab, quite fancy one for myself. x

    2. I got that from last years Blythe convention in Manchester - I think there is someone online who sells them x

  8. Your friends house is gorgeous, I love the pink wall and white fireplace xx

  9. Someone who loves Orla Kiely as much as I do :)

  10. What a scrumptious home ... the bird in the tree jar is gorgeous ... is it cheeky to ask where it is from ... I hope you don't mind ... Bee xx

    1. i will ask her Bee. let you know as soon as x

    2. It was from Urban Outfitters, Bee - a present from my gentleman friend ;-) x

    3. Your gentleman friend has excellent taste ... it really is gorgeous ... thank you for letting me know where it was from ... Bee xx

  11. Ooh I feel famous! I am very flattered that so many people like my home - thankyou ladies! xx

  12. Gorgeous, and gorgeous, and gorgeous!!! So many thigns I want and NEED in that beautiful home! :-)
