Sunday, 30 June 2013

Treacle Market

What a beautiful day, well it certainly is here!
Today saw the family and I, visiting Macclesfield, for the most wonderful Treacle Market.

This market, in my eyes, is a real cut above the rest.
I love the fact that it has Vintage, top quality crafts plus great street food.
I bought home a delicious red berry cheesecake and I may have eaten a few other treats whilst a pottling.

Not wanting to be too snap happy, and the fact that it is so busy it is sometimes a bit tricky getting up close to the stalls, I have just taken a few snaps of my favourite things.
I hope you like what I liked and then I will show you what I bought and something that was bought for me.

Superb tweed animal heads by Tweed Queen

my fave stall, the very quirky Shabby Cheek

more Shabby Cheek

great original vintage prints by Sherratt and Reece

retro goodies from Smashing Time

cute little dolls by Freddy and Violet

I am definitely going to treat myself to one of these by Tweed Queen

Worth a visit in the furure?
If you can, do.
I am definitely going to make it a regular thing. Great for the Mr's too with all the food ;-)
So, let me show you what I bought

one of the Sherrat and Reece prints, a gorgeous piece of fabric purchased at Smashing Times ,just perfect for cushions and
the most lovely Homepride tin which I have been coveting for quite some time.

the in-laws treated me to this gorgeous jug

and they bought over this bike which I am head over heels in love with
goodness I am such a lucky duck!

Tonight will be filled with cushion making, the eating of food and possibly, time permitting, a bit 
                                                                             of TV.
I hope you have had a most lovely weekend, maybe found time for a bit of market mooching.
Thanks for reading. x

btw, I will be announcing the winner of the giveaway tomorrow!


  1. I had that bike! My mum had one in that colour and I had the cream one! Brings back memories x

    1. I am going for a spin on my new bike tomorrow.
      I will report on how it goes.
      I like the sound of the bike in cream, how lovely.

  2. Ooh I love everything about this post, Emma! What a great market ...

    Love the jug and the bike and just about everything else, ooh yes, before I forget ... have just spotted Maurice in Pretty Nostalgic, and got a bit over excited!

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, Emma

    Love Claire xxx

    1. Oooh, I didn' know it was out. Does Maurice look ok?
      I jave just ordered exciting.
      Thanks Claire. xxx

  3. I love Treacle too - and that's also my fave stall!! My boys go willingly - for a mexican tortilla.
    happy new week

  4. Oooooooooh Betty you little tinker - you've just written my next post! It was my first time there today and I LOVED it! Think I've got the same dead doll photo as you - very strange character there! Loved the drumming and the atmosphere x Jane

  5. What a gorgeous market and such lovely purchases and oh my a bike with a basket too ... you are indeed a lucky girl ~ Sarah x

  6. Looks like a fabulous market to visit! :) Love those animal heads and shabby creek vintage treasures there! :) Happy new week! xo Holly

  7. I love your bike! I had a Nova shopper and now have a Raleigh Honey! I love 70s 80's bikes, they rock! A very forgiving on ones the tin too!

  8. Hi Emma just got your link through Jane and ironically my friend who runs the stall freddy and violet mentioned you to me and here we are. A great post of a fab market. I love love love it and try not to miss it, sadly I didn't get there this month. Looking forward to spending some time looking at your blog! Xo

  9. Just catching up with a bit of blog reading Emma. Another of the blogs I follow has been to Macclesfield recently too! Who would have thought there would be such an array of loveliness there?
    P.S. thanks for the comment over on mine. Your friend's house is gorgeous and if she was voted last it was pure jealousy!!
