Friday, 15 November 2013

It's beginning to feel a lot like…...

I'm getting that feeling.
I have started to think seriously about Christmas (but not that seriously).
I have purchased a few gifts and dreamed about the tree I will be buying this year.
I have even kind of worked out where said tree will stand, always a bit tricky in a slightly cluttered house ;-)

Yesterday at the charity shop I stumbled upon a very old suitcase, and when I opened her up I discovered she contained the most perfect selection of old deco's.
This find is the kind of thing that my dreams are made of, old suitcase included.

I selected a few bits that made my heart tinkle and left a few bits for others.
I thought I would share so that you, if not  'feeling the feeling' thus far, may be flung straight into Christmas thoughts of the best kind.

these were always my favourites

Woolies, how I miss thee


I will be on the look out for old deco's wherever I go now and I can't wait to get my old ones out and rediscover all the ones I have bought in the past.

I am going to have a miniature tree for all the teeny Woolworths baubles or maybe even a branch.
I shall discuss with Mr Betty about his branch dangling abilities (sounds a bit cheeky!!)

Are you already plotting and planning Christmas?
Have you found any gems?

I will be back tomorrow with my Vintage Village picture and tonight I will be attending the very first 'Doll House Club' meeting.
I am pretty sure that DHC will need a blog post all of its own!

Thanks for reading. x


  1. What an amazing moment - truly a dream come true, just the thing to cheer a dreary day x

  2. What a lovely assortment and all in perfect condition. I miss Woolies too.

  3. Those are lovely. That is the one thing I like about Christmas getting the old decorations down its like meeting new friends every year, dee :-)

  4. You got some great buys there. I keep meaning to get into my mum and dad's loft space because they never throw any thing out and my dad let slip they had about 6 christmas trees up there and all the decorations over the years. I managed to get a few old baubles from when they were first married a couple of years ago (60 years old) but I'd love one of the old trees.

  5. Oh Woolworths............ x Jane

  6. Great finds! I also love and collect old decorations. I love the nutmeg/walnut one the best. I cannot wait to get the tree up! x

  7. those little angels are the cutest thing ever!i love ye olde decos too xx

  8. I have the same Father Christmas, I love him! xx
