Monday, 23 July 2012

Look once and look again.

Today is the first day of the kitchen installation. As can always be expected when it comes to this sort of thing, there are 'problems' or as a builder would say 'a slight hitch'.
Things ground to a halt at around 1pm and the fitters have disappeared to attend to the 'slight hitch'.
I think this involves a drive to Ikea to retrieve missing parts, one of them being the tap.
Looks like we will be eating salad for dinner ;)

Yesterday I awoke at an early hour, 6.11am to be exact. After sipping at my first coffee of the day and realising it was only 6.23am I decided that there was nothing else for it, I would have to fill my lonely morning (boys and Mr still asleep) with a bit of car booting.
So, off I drove, coffee still on the go, to a local booty site for a schmooze.

I got a few bits which I will save for Thrifty Thursday but I just wanted to make a point on this sunny Monday.
I have a booty shopping rule and it is this. Do a first frenzied shop around the site, glancing at the stalls and assessing which may have suitable treasures. Make a few 'pence purchases' and take aforementioned purchases back to the car. Then, do the whole booty again but this time with a keener eye.
I followed my usual plan and I am so glad I did.On my second trip round I found my most favouritist favourite treasure.

I know what you are thinking.....Mrs Betty is always finding sewing boxes, stools, etc
Yes, yes, tis a fact. But, what I really like to find is a box that has not yet been emptied of all it's contents, or it's treasures one might say.

This box needed sorting, they always do.
The sorting is the fun part, discovering little tins of buttons and old wooden reels amongst the tangle of ribbons and thread.

Finding bits of haberdashery that you were almost going to have to stock up on. kitty skirt elastic, dressmakers pins, etc.

This is truly one of the joys of life, in my opinion.
My second coffee yesterday was spent in utter bliss. At home, playing with treasure, with all the boys and Mr still tucked up in bed.

Tonight I will mostly be eating salad, drinking Shloer (it is sunny) and watching Corrie.
Thanks for reading. X

Posted using IPad and half my brain.


  1. A remodel of any kind is hard, but a remodel of a kitchen is the hardest. When all is done you will forget about the remodel troubles and love your new look.

  2. Your beautiful stool made my little heart flutter so I can imagine you felt ecstatic on spotting it! :-)

    As long as there is a kettle for coffee and tea you'll get by, I look forward to seeing the final results of the makeover!

    Jem xXx

  3. What a great find! A few weeks ago I got a large compartmentalised (have I made that word up?) Tupperware box full of similar treasures to you. It's a little insight into someone's life and you're taking over custodianship (there's another one, shut up Claire!)

    Anyway, enjoy your week

    love, Claire xxx

  4. A true treasure chest!! well done
    Thea x

  5. I am giggling at this post!
    Only 'US' vintage Gals would understand such treasure...Am a loving it
    Have fun with the rest of the week Mrs Betty!
    Love Maria x!

  6. I love that great piece of treasure you found, it was worth going out early for. Hurry up mr kitchen man and that tap.
    Lynn and the Doodly Birds reporting in from our vacation in sunny Oxford xx

  7. oh what perfect treasure! Wonderful enough to distract you from the building stress x

  8. That was a really fab find.Well spotted.

  9. What a wonderful find - especially as it had its contents as well! Fabulous!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  10. It's gorgeous! Total treasure, I used to love sorting out my mums sewing box, sounds like a fun morning!xx

  11. LOVE this stool! Cracker of a find :)
