Tuesday 14 February 2012

Giveaway results and Tuesday book club.

The day has arrived....well it arrived yesterday but I had forgotten it was my birthday.
Today I have completed the draw for the jar and even put together a little selection of treats. What is a jar if it isn't full of treats??
I had a plan that involved the kitties and bits of paper but they have been otherwise engaged.

Mr Betty has bought them the biggest kitty play centre, in the world. He then went out and left me to build it. It is a big success with the kitties and littlest son has made good use of the packaging.

It is now an iPad viewing room in the style of a homeless person.

Anyway, back to most important blog matters.
The draw, my first blog giveaway.
In the end I did the draw all by myself. I put the scrumpled bits of paper in the jar and then I just picked one out. Simples.

Before I announce the winner I must show you the goodies I have included.

I had to include something lovey dovey, it is Valentines day after all.
I have added one of my Oooh Betty button cards, a vintage hankie and a little reel of vintage ribbon.
I must say that I have enjoyed holding my mini draw so much that I am going to do another as soon as I can. I already have the goodies in mind.

So all there is left to do is to announce the winner........(drum roll)......
Ta da!...

Yay! Well done Julia, did you mention a new kitchen??
I hope you enjoy the jar and the little treats that will be lovingly placed inside. Send me your address and it will be winging it's way to you in Oooh Betty time!

As luck would have it I received the perfect, book club book, as a present from my good friend Mic.
Mic had already bought me the Family Style book and I had made her aware (in a subtle way obviously) that I wish to collect the whole series eventually.

My new one is 'Ateliers de Paris' by Je de Paume.
Translated this means Workshops of Paris, the 'of' could be 'in' but that is just too tricky for me and my post birthday brain.
It is totally cool. Each double page features an artist and their studio/home. The artists work is fascinating enough on it's own but their rooms are amazing. As before, the book is only readable if you are fluent in Japanese. This matters not a jot.

More than anything this book has completely convinced me that I need a dedicated and beautiful workshop of my own. I must now convince the lovely Mr Betty to buy me one, then build it and finally make it beautiful (I suppose I could help him on the beautiful bit).
Anyone any advice on this idea of mine? I am thinking cheap second hand shed, must have large windows.
I am thinking power for lighting, heating, my sewing machine and a radio.
I will want carpet and painted walls. Lots of shelves and pretty curtains.
Oh my god I am giddy and I only have the workshop in my imagination........

I will keep you updated, I must put my powers of persuasion to work immediately.


  1. Hi,and thank you for your lovely comment.
    Oh yes,you must have a workshop! Hope you can persuade your lovely OH to sort one out for you.
    Belated Happy Birthday wishes! ;0)

  2. Well done to Julia, I will try to not be too jealous:) loved your stall and it was fab to meet you, I work in a shed, its brill but ask away if you want tips on insulation or anything sheddy x x x x
