Friday, 29 March 2013

Charity Shop Treasures part 3

Yesterday was my charity shop volunteering day and I have (praise the lord) got some treasures to share.
Very definitely not as wonderful as last weeks, but I must say I am quite relieved.
After posting the pic of the Stockholm leaping deer I was inundated with requests to buy, I felt awful letting people down....but, it did go to 2 of my most fave people and they had wanted it for ages.
So that is a nice thing to happen.

I will still post about things that may be of interest to people, it is after all, a very good boost to the shop.

Todays treasure is more random.

boxed pifco hairdryer (could concuss if not handled correctly)

book illustrated by harry rountree, so beautiful

gorgeous regency china

vintage sheets

cute retro baby wool

huge collection of 1930s cigarette cards

ace old tin (now mine)

and this
I love a bit of Pam Ayres, my mum is a big fan!
During my coffee break I had a little read through and I thought I would share my favourite.

this is for my friend Beth

I am a Witney Blanket
Original & Best
You'll never get cold feet
With me across your chest

Thanks for reading. x


  1. Oh I have never had a poem dedicated to me!! LOVE it as I love a Witney blanket xxxxx

  2. Ooh Emma, you're right about the hair dryer! We had exactly the same one in the late 60's, and it was very heavy ... I remember the lady on the box distinctly ... Could even be the same one!

    Have a lovely Easter,

    Claire xxx

  3. Oh, I wish I'd looked after me teeth...
    I want to be Pam Ayres when I grow up!
    Has anyone suggested 'Cat in a Flap'?
    Happy Easter from Eco Ethel xx

  4. What a lovely old book! I also like the sheets and wool. Wish I lived near your shop, it's been ages since I found anything interesting in the ones around here. Have a great Easter, Mrs RV x

  5. Ooh want them sheets! We had a Pam Ayres reading at our wedding! Should be going to Vintage Village next month, is it on the 14th? x

  6. Fab finds, I remember those hairdryers used to make your arm ache.

  7. Look at that china, it is gorgeous!! And the sheets too! I must promise myself a charity shop day some time soon, I just never seem to be able to get round to it!!

  8. what a fab set of treasure!

    Nikki x

  9. That Tea set is wonderful! I never spot such good treasure in our local charity shops - I either need to do more rummaging or trying a different town!

  10. That china and material is gorgeous - nice finds!
